And so, one of my "seeking for the best french toast" dates with Truffle.
At Three Bags Full.
I gotta say, I've been quite a frenchtoastnatic ever since I sink my teeth into the best french toast (at least to me) at Auction Room.
Their peanut butter brioche version to be exact.
In which they removed quite a whileeeee back. WHY?!
but yes, they inspired me to bake some brioche bread. That's for another entry when I feel like it.
I have been really busy with my honours year that I find joy in doing other things (like baking) to relax instead. Plus my lappy was formatted in.. Feb? So I had been lazy to reinstall my Adobe PS to "change the contrast of the photos, etcetc for those badly taken photos due to bad lighting"
Now that Auction Room no longer serve french toast for some miserable reason,
I will go back to Three Bags Full for their french toast in the future!
It's goooood. Better than good. Excellent in fact. Plus it's not too far. I don't have to drive past the horrible city #%$#JAM^&%^& just to satisfy my cravings.
They serve good coffee too!
Frankly, usually the milk covers bad shots.. unless the coffee is really bad.
To really taste if it's good or bad coffee, drink ESPRESSO. or macchiato.
Really nice place to chill.
While I read up all the health journals for my thesis (Can be really boring in which sometimes I wonder if I'm really fit to be in a health faculty. Was pure luck that I got into my honours year and it came to me as a shock)
And with ♥Truffle's company,
For anyone who wants to take a peek at their menu,
Or you can just visit their site.
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